Train Your Dog. Easily.

Basic to advanced dog obedience classes

Training your dog doesn’t need to be a complex or intimidating process. Lesley & Gillian can help you form a strong bond with your dog so that your training experience leads to results and a healthier relationship between you and your beloved pooch.

Get 6 weeks of training for only R950!

Get 6 small group sessions with one of our expert trainers for only R950!

When you need someone to help you train your dogs, naturally you approach the experts to get the most out of it. With Perfect Paws that is exactly who you are approaching: The Experts. Gillian and Lesley have both competed internationally with their dogs, and have achieved numerous awards at various levels with various dogs so they have seen it and done it all. They don’t bark the bark, the walk the walk, and the heel, the sit, the stay, fetch…You get the point.

If you are looking for dog training or dog obedience classes in Cape Town, in the Northern Suburbs of Durbanville & the surrounds, then the Perfect Paws trainers are the only dog training experts that you need.

Get 6 weeks of training for only R950!